What are the Green Card Lottery Application Requirements?
Condition 1: You must be a native of one of the eligible countries for participation in the DV program: Turkey is an eligible country.
If you were not born in an eligible country, there are two other ways to be eligible for a visa:
If your spouse was born in one of the eligible countries, you can request to be considered based on your spouse's place of birth. However, this is only valid if both spouses' names are listed on the initial application and they enter the United States at the same time after receiving their visas.
If you were born in a country that is not eligible for the lottery, but your parents were not born in that country or were not legally resident in that country at the time of your birth, you can request to be considered based on your parents' place of birth. However, your parents' country of birth must be among the countries eligible to participate in the DV program.
Condition 2: Each applicant must fulfill the educational and/or professional requirements of the DV program as follows
At least a high school education or equivalent, which requires the successful completion of 12 years of formal primary, secondary and upper secondary education; OR
At least two (2) years of work experience within the last five (5) years in a job requiring specific training, experience or specialization. The State Department will use the United States Department of Labor's O*Net Online (https://www.onetonline.org) database to determine the adequacy of work experience.