Green Card Photo Features
The photo required for your Green Card application must meet certain criteria in terms of size and content. Uploading a photo that does not meet these criteria may result in your application not being accepted. Your photo must have been taken within the last six months to show your most recent appearance.

Head Size Standards
The photo must show the entire portion of your head from the top of your hair to your neck. In an appropriate photo, your head should be 25-35 mm tall or cover 50-70% of the photo.
Photo Dimensions
Your photo must be 5x5cm and square, meaning that the width and length of the photo must be the same length. The resolution of the photo should be minimum 600×600 pixels and maximum 1200×1200 pixels.
Head Alignment
The alignment of your head is important for photo quality. You should center the photo frame so that your whole face is visible, face the camera and make sure your eyes are open.
Photo Background
The background of your photo should be white with no pattern. For best results, have your photo taken on a white background.
Your photo
Accepted Photo Samples

Unacceptable Photo Examples