What is Green Card Administrative Processing (AP-Administrative Processing)?

What is Administrative Processing (AP-Administrative Processing)?

There are only two possible outcomes for completed and conducted Green Card interviews. The consular officer either grants or denies the visa. If the applicant has not demonstrated eligibility for a visa, the consular officer must deny the application. However, in accordance with Ministry procedures, a consular officer may determine that additional information from sources other than the applicant may assist in determining the applicant's visa eligibility. In such cases, rejected visa applications require further administrative action.

Upon completion of the case-specific administrative proceedings, the consular officer may conclude that the applicant is now qualified for the visa applied for. Alternatively, the officer may conclude that the applicant is not eligible for a visa.

When administrative action is required, the consular officer will inform the applicant at the end of the interview. The duration of the administrative procedure will vary according to the individual circumstances of each case.

What Does Visa Refusal Mean?

A visa refusal means that the applicant has not proven eligibility for a visa to the satisfaction of the consular officer as required by US law.

It is possible for the consular officer to reconsider a rejected visa application at a later date, based on additional information or the decision of the administrative proceeding, and determine whether the applicant is eligible.

When the consular officer rejects a case, he or she will inform the applicant whether the applicant needs to provide additional documents or information or whether the case requires additional administrative action.

Can a Refusal be Canceled?

Answer. If an application is rejected and the consular officer has specifically told the applicant to provide documents or information, the applicant must provide a complete response as soon as possible. The consular officer will request additional information if he or she believes the information is relevant to proving that the applicant is eligible for the visa sought.

Source: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/administrative-processing-information.html